The Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees met Thursday evening for nearly two hours behind closed doors to discuss the proposed partnership of the hospital with the Medical University of South Carolina.

“We discussed the proposed partnership with MUSC and solicited input from all members of the board,” RMC Board Chair the Rev. Dr. Caesar Richburg said in a prepared statement following the meeting. “Specific questions were asked by the medical staff on the board as well as questions related to the transaction which were handled by our legal counsel.”

“We are compiling a full list of questions and we will be meeting with county councils and MUSC in the coming weeks to negotiate and discuss the best partnership that will serve the needs of our beloved community with the resources of MUSC and the backing our legislative delegation,” Richburg said.

There was no discussion of the matter in open session or action of the board prior to adjournment.

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Prior to going into closed session, Richburg did inform trustees about a scheduled meeting with Orangeburg County Council in Council Chambers at 6:30 p.m. Monday following the regularly scheduled council meeting. Calhoun County Council is also to be part of the meeting.

A budget proviso passed by the S.C. General Assembly allows MUSC, within its own budget, to enter into the partnership with RMC with the intention to  enhance services.

The proviso extends through June 30, 2023, and has the potential of extending for years to come depending on the nature and progress of the relationship between the two institutions.

The partnership would provide RMC with a number of resources, including clinical, educational and research programs with an aim at improving care and the financial outcomes of the hospital. $5 for the first 20 weeks

The proposal discussed would keep the RMC board in place for quality oversight, medical staff accreditation and community engagement while financial responsibility for RMC would fall under the MUSC board. All RMC employees would remain.

MUSC officials as well as Rep. Gilda-Cobb Hunter, D-Orangeburg, who spearheaded the budget-proviso process, propose entering into the partnership by the close of RMC’s fiscal year Sept. 30.

Cobb-Hunter said the partnership with MUSC aims to help strengthen RMC’s viability as a health care institution in the region.

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