Congressman Jim Clyburn announced Wednesday that he’s endorsing Sen. Brad Hutto’s re-election bid for the state Senate District 40 seat.

Kendrick Brown is running against Hutto in the June 11 Democratic primary. The winner will face Republican Sharon Carter in November.

Clyburn said, “Sen. Hutto has been an invaluable partner in my work to deliver for the 6th Congressional District and the people of South Carolina.

“He is a champion for rural South Carolina and has helped to deliver millions to our schools to build and improve buildings and classrooms, re-build local roads and infrastructure, attract good businesses and jobs to Orangeburg and the surrounding counties, and ensure every South Carolinian can access good, quality health care.

“Most importantly, he has never backed down from fighting against extreme laws that restricted women’s access to lifesaving health care or gun laws that make our communities less safe.”

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Hutto, D-Orangeburg, said “I am honored to have the endorsement of Congressman Clyburn. The congressman’s work to deliver for Senate District 40 and the people of South Carolina is immeasurable. It’s been an honor to work with him to help families and communities throughout my district and the state. We are all so lucky to have his leadership and vision.

“I look forward to continuing to share the work I have done in the Senate in collaboration with Congressman Clyburn with voters throughout the district ahead of the June primary election.”

District 40 includes Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Colleton and Orangeburg counties.

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