Unemployment rates went down throughout The T&D Region last month.
Bamberg County’s unemployment rate declined to 5.7% in September from 6.2% in August, according to figures released Friday by the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce.
The county was tied for the second-highest unemployment rate among South Carolina’s 46 counties in September. Allendale County had the same unemployment rate.
Orangeburg County’s unemployment rate declined to 5.4% in September from 5.7% in August. It had the state’s third-highest unemployment rate.
Calhoun County’s unemployment rate fell to 3.4% in September from 3.6% in August. It was tied for the state’s 14th-highest rate in September. Chesterfield and Darlington counties had the same rate.
The state’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate increased to 3.2% in September, up from August’s estimate of 3.1%.
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Marlboro County had the state’s highest unemployment rate for September at 6.4%.
Charleston, Hampton, Lexington and Newberry counties all had the lowest unemployment rate for the month at 2.5%.
“Wages in South Carolina are at an all-time high and the state is overflowing with job opportunities,” S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce Executive Director Dan Ellzey said in a release.
“While unemployment has edged up slightly and employment has dropped, overall, the numbers have remained steady and strong for the last several months,” he said.
Ellzey said the state has more than 106,000 jobs posted in SC Works Online Services with average hourly earnings at $28.59.
Nationally, the unemployment rate decreased to 3.5% from August’s estimate of 3.7%, according to the Current Population Survey.
In nearby counties, September unemployment rates were:
Barnwell – 4.7%
Dorchester – 2.8%
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