The Orangeburg County Fire District is collaborating with other public safety officials in hosting a Halloween drive-thru from 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 31.
This free community event will feature decorated emergency vehicles, candies and fire and life safety information at the Orangeburg County Fire District, 131 Firefighter Lane, Orangeburg.
“This event offers children an excellent alternative to door-to-door trick or treating,” said Teddy Wolfe, fire service director.
All the friendly ghosts, ghouls and clowns distributing candy will follow CDC protective measures, including:
• Distributing only store-bought candies. No homemade treats will be distributed.
• Wearing approved face coverings.
• Wearing medical or food service gloves.
Cars will enter the property from the entrance located at Firefighter Lane and Big Buck Boulevard. Follow the driveway around to find tricks, treats and emergency vehicles for your viewing pleasure.
This is a drive-thru event only. Please do not allow anyone to exit your vehicle. Vehicles will continue to the exit located at Firefighter Lane and Five Chop Road.
Be mindful of increased traffic along Five Chop Road near Firefighter Lane during the event.
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