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The Old South Farm Festival returns to Calhoun County on Oct. 15-17

Sunny Plain Antique Power Association’s 20th anniversary Old South Farm Festival will be held Oct. 15-17.

The event will be held at the track and campground located on the Culclasure Farm at 150 Old Belleville Road, 8 miles west of St. Matthews off Highway 176 and only 16 miles east of Columbia.

On Friday, Oct. 15, gates open at 5 p.m. and admission is free. At 6 p.m., there will be a practice tractor pull.

On Saturday, Oct. 16, gates will open at 9 a.m. Admission will be $10 for adults and free for children 12 and under. Opening ceremonies will feature a “Parade of Power” at 11 a.m. The competition antique tractor pull for tractors 1960 and older will begin at 11:30 a.m. For more info on the tractor pull, contact Buck Hoffman at 803-331-4166.

The festival will feature an antique and classic car, truck and tractor display and other farm-related exhibits. Exhibitors are welcome.

Also included will be wagon rides, a working blacksmith and knife maker, a saw mill, food and other vendors and more exhibits.

Some of the other exhibits for the children will be the popular kids pedal tractor pull at 2 p.m., kids money hunt, wagon rides, face painting and a sack race.

At 7 p.m. Saturday, bluegrass band Flatland Express will perform at the track.

Sunday will feature an outdoor worship service starting at 10 a.m. There will be not admission charges on Sunday. Fun and games will follow the worship service at the track and campground.

There will be plenty of good food and family fun, and no alcoholic beverages are allowed.

Camping is available for the weekend for $30, which includes electricity and water hookup. Contact Otis Culclasure at 803-664-4591.

TheTandD.com: Full access for 6 months for just $1

Sunny Plain Antique Power Association is a nonprofit organization promoting farm heritage and supporting the Make-A-Wish Foundation and other charities.

For more information, call Gene Plankett at 803-535-5968 or Charles Horger at 803-707-1493.

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