COLUMBIA – The South Carolina State Museum will host and display the South Carolina Watermedia Society’s 45 National Juried Exhibition, opening Saturday, Aug. 27 in the museum’s Lipscomb Art Gallery.
Each year, the society invites artists from across South Carolina and around the country working in watermedia (watercolor, gouache, acrylic and other water-based paint) to submit their work to a juried exhibition.
Accomplished Charleston-based watercolorist Linda Baker served as juror for this year’s exhibition, selecting 70 works of art, including traditional landscapes, portraits and splashy abstract works, from 69 artists, 44 of whom live in South Carolina.
“This year’s annual show promises to be the best ever,” says South Carolina Watermedia Society President Renea Eshleman. “We are confident that those who see the work will have a new appreciation for fine artwork created in watermedia.”
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The State Museum’s relationship with the SCWS goes back decades, with Guy Lipscomb Jr., one of the first commissioners of the State Museum, also one of the founding members of the Society.
“The State Museum’s Lipscomb Gallery, named in honor of his mother, Adelin Schroder Lipscomb, makes a fitting venue for this year’s exhibition,” says State Museum Executive Director Amy Bartow-Melia. “We are grateful for this opportunity to share and display the work of the deeply talented artists who call South Carolina home in this new exhibition.”
This exhibition was made possible by The Lipscomb Family Foundation. This project is funded in part by the South Carolina Arts Commission, which receives support from the National Endowment for the Arts.
South Carolina Watermedia Society’s 45 National Juried Exhibition entrance is free with museum membership or general admission. General admission to the South Carolina State Museum is $8.95 for adults; $7.95 for seniors; $6.95 for children; infants 2 and under are free.
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