Some T&D readers want their news in print. Others prefer the digital format at TheTandD.com. AND then there are those folks finding the daily e-edition to be just what they need.
The T&D e-edition is a replica of the newspaper’s printed pages available at TheTandD.com. It includes all the print pages from that day plus additional pages of content, all in easily accessible form. And e-editions from days before are available quickly for anything you’ve missed.
The e-edition is popular, and we’ve tried to make it even more serviceable.
Some new features:
- You’ll see 1 page on your screen. Zoomed in about 30%. Want the previous page, or the next one? Just click the arrows.
- The magnifier is now a slider. Slide the blue button to the right, and zoom in on the page. Done? Slide it back to the left, and you’ll get back to your original view.
- Find a story or photograph you want to read more closely? Just click on it, and a new window with the full story and images will pop up for easy readability. Done with a story? Click the ‘X’ at the top right of the story.
- The page navigation tool allows you to flip page by page – you can go back just as easily.
- The ‘pages’ button on the menu allows you to see each page in that day’s newspaper. See something you want to know more about? Click that page, and it will bring up a new three-page view, with that page selected and ready to view.
- The Puzzles button! Ah, yes – Go directly to our Games & Puzzles section, find the Sudoku or the crossword, or whatever you like best, and start exercising your brain!
- Editions: That button at the top of the screen used to be on the left side. It allows you to pull up 30 days’ worth of past editions to see what you might have missed, or to re-read something for context.
- Menu: Access the list of features in one glance – including a chance to log in, or out – and tap each to initiate the corresponding function.
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Additionally, these menu options remain easily visible and conveniently placed on the page:
- The Print and Download buttons: Print or download a page, or the full edition, to read or share.
- Clip: ‘Hey, look whose name is in the paper!’ Use the scissors to clip out the item, and save or share it.
- Share: Find something fascinating, and want to bring it to the attention of friends and family? Share to Facebook or Twitter, or send it in an email!
- Search: Remember that one story, about that one person, doing that one thing? Our search engine will help you hunt it down in no time!
So here’s how to get T&D e-edition. Go to https://thetandd.com/members/join/
And you can get the daily e-edition delivered directly to your email at no additional cost.
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