Hugo Krispyn serves as executive director of Friends of the Edisto (FRED), a nonprofit river advocacy group that is also an affiliate of the Waterkeeper Alliance.

The S.C. Department of Natural Resources has announced a public meeting on Feb. 15 in Orangeburg to introduce the draft Edisto River Basin Plan to the basin’s stakeholders.

The meeting will be held 6-8 p.m. at the Orangeburg Department of Public Utilities Operations Center, 352 Sprinkle Ave.

The draft plan was developed over a two-and-a-half-year period by the Edisto River Basin Council, a working group of stakeholders with water interests in the basin, under the guidance of the South Carolina State Water Planning Framework published in 2019. The plan is the first of eight River Basin Plans scheduled to be completed over the next several years for each of the eight planning basins in the state.

The draft Edisto River Basin Plan includes an assessment of current and future water availability in the basin and documents water management strategies that can help ensure water is available for all future uses in the basin for the next 50 years.

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The draft Edisto River Basin Plan is available for review and download on the SCDNR website at

The public meeting will serve as a venue for presenting the draft plan to the basin’s stakeholders and for soliciting public comments on the plan. Public comments will be accepted from Feb. 15 through March 17, with submission instructions found at the website noted above.

Download a copy of the South Carolina State Water Planning Framework and learn more about the South Carolina river basin planning process at:

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