
RMC illustration (copy)

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An exterior view of the Regional Medical Center of Orangeburg and Calhoun Counties.

Federal COVID relief funds boosted the Regional Medical Center’s bottom line in June.

RMC and Edisto Regional Health Services, its network of primary care offices, had a net income gain of $3,260 for the month of June.

The system saw an operating loss for the month of $3.7 million, but it received $3.8 million in Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act money.

It was the last of the CARES Act money the system will be able to recognize this fiscal year, RMC Chief Financial Officer Amy Crouch told trustees Tuesday during the board’s regularly scheduled meeting.

Crouch said the system had a positive margin in outpatient revenues driven primarily by outpatient orthopedic surgeries and observation days for June.

“Unfortunately, the reimbursements on observation days is so low that our net revenue did fall under budget,” Crouch said.

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Crouch said other operating revenues were positive due to the hospital’s contract pharmacy program.

In expenses, the system saw its salaries, wages and benefits above budget. The system’s engineering and radiology expenses were also over budget, as well as supplies due to the increase in orthopedic cases.

Year-to-date, RMC and its six primary care practices is operating $3.7 million in the red. Last year at this time, the system was $1.6 million in the red.

If it was not for federal COVID relief money, the system would have lost about $18.5 million this year. The system has received about $13.9 million in CARES Act monies this year.

In other business:

• Trustees were informed the orientation for new board members will begin either later this summer or early fall. Orientation will be open to all board members who want to participate.

• Trustees went into closed session to discuss a number of items, including the president’s report; an update on its primary care practices; strategic planning discussion; an update on its revenue cycle; an update on its ambulatory surgery center Certificate of Need; a compliance update; and to receive a monthly report from its Chief Nursing Officer.

• A majority of the board members met via teleconference due to the increasing number of COVID cases.

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