The S.C. Department of Transportation announced its plans to repair or replace seven bridges in The T&D Region as part of its 10-year road and bridge improvement efforts.

The bridges targeted for repair or replacement include:

Orangeburg County

• U.S. 178-North Road bridge over Bull Swamp – $2.5 million for preliminary engineering toward the replacement of the bridge (fiscal year 2022); $150,000 for right-of-way acquisition (fiscal year 2024); $13.2 million for construction (fiscal year 2026).

• U.S. 176-Old State Road bridge over Providence Swamp – $2.3 million for preliminary engineering toward the replacement of the bridge (fiscal year 2022); $150,000 for the right-of-way acquisition (fiscal year 2024); $15.1 million for construction (fiscal year 2026).

• S.C. 332 Norway Road over Willow Swamp – $1.1 million for the preliminary engineering toward the replacement of the bridge (fiscal year 2022); $100,000 for the right-of-way acquisition (2024); $5.4 million for construction (fiscal year 2026).

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• S.C. 4 Neeses Highway over Goodland Creek – $50,000 for the right-of-way acquisition toward the replacement of the bridge (2024); $4 million for construction (2025).

• S.C. 210-Vance Road bridge over Providence Swamp – $825,000 for the repair of the bridge (fiscal year 2023).

• U.S. 21-Freedom Road bridge over Edisto River Swamp – $825,000 for the repair of the bridge (fiscal year 2023)

Calhoun County

• S.C. 172-Bull Swamp Road bridge over Caw Caw Swamp – $1.4 million for the preliminary engineering toward the replacement of the bridge (fiscal year 2022); $163,000 for right-of-way acquisition (fiscal year 2024); $7.7 million for construction (fiscal year 2026).

Documentation and other information about the projects can be found at 1724 Charleston Highway in Orangeburg.

SCDOT is requesting public comment on the projects, which are slated to be included in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program.

The bridge projects were identified as part of the 2021-22 closed and load restricted bridge program to be included in the 2021 -2027 STIP.

SCDOT will receive public comment on the projects through the close of business on Oct. 10. A summary of substantive comments will be available to the SCDOT commission.

Pending no substantive comments, the projects will be added to a future version of the STIP.

Comments should be mailed to: Syrees Gillens Oliver, Public Involvement Director, SC Department of Transportation, Post Office Box 191, 955 Park Street, Columbia, SC 29202-0191.

Comments can also be emailed to

Comments can be submitted online as well at:

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