A local indie artist will be among a group of performers at the Nickelodeon Theatre in Columbia next month for an upcoming Independent Artist Exposé.

Orangeburg resident Tatyana Taylor sings jazz, neosoul and R&B and will be one of approximately 10 artists performing at the venue.

“So this is an independent artist exposé. Independent artists are known as indie artists because everything that we do, we invest in it ourselves. I’ve put this show together for the independent artists that I work alongside so that they can showcase themselves,” Taylor said.

Live art and vendors will also be featured at the event.

“We have Ija Monet. She’s painted a number of murals in Columbia and all over the world, actually. She’s blowing up. She depicts African-Americans on these murals. So if you drive down Main Street in downtown Columbia, you’ll see murals of how we have grown from the 60s to where we are now.

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“She’ll be displaying live art. We also have a number of vendors. So a number of entrepreneurs will be selling merchandise,” Taylor said.

The musical artist and Orangeburg resident grew up in Cordova and attended Edisto Primary School.

“I grew up in Cordova from 3 days old to maybe when I was 6 years old. My grandmother, Loretta Taylor, is very popular in Orangeburg. She was a homecoming queen at South Carolina State University, and my mother graduated from South Carolina State University, as well. My grandmother actually took me in and raised me. So my roots are there. I’m a member of Edisto Fork United Methodist Church,” Taylor said.

“As I got older, my mother bought a house in Columbia. So I went to high school in Columbia. I went to Ridgeview High School,” she said.

Taylor is part of a four-member band simply named The Band. The band includes S.C. State alumnus Corey Stone, who plays the saxophone and piano.

Taylor said she organized the event for indie artists to have another platform for their talents.

“A lot of the independent artists I see working really hard don’t have a platform. So my band and I did a private party in Bamberg. That’s how we met the event coordinator for the Nickelodeon Theatre, Zay Williams. And through him – he’s a native of Bamberg – we were able to book ourselves at the Nickelodeon Theatre to showcase ourselves,” she said.

Taylor said she has been singing since she was a very young child.

“I got my first debut singing at my family reunion. So I’ve been singing since I was maybe 4 or 5 years old. I was put on a show in Bamberg. We would have our family reunions in Bamberg every year. I’m related to the Williams. My great-grandmother in Bamberg and James Brown’s mother are first cousins,” she said.

Taylor said the venue will hopefully expand the presence of indie artists and “let it be known that there are a lot of Black independent artists, whether it’s painting, digital art or music, and that we’re open for business.”

“For the artists attending, it’s a networking event,” she said.

The event is scheduled for 7 p.m. Thursday, July 26, at the Nickelodeon Theatre at 1607 Main St. in Columbia. Doors open at 6 p.m.

Early bird tickets are $15.75 and are on sale through Monday, June 19. General admission tickets are $25 and are on sale through Monday, June 26. Vendor spaces are available for $50, with sales for vendor spaces also running through June 26.

For more information on how to get tickets or purchase vendor space, visit Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tatyanna-taylor-and-corey-stone-presents-the-independent-artist-expose-tickets-648023865827?aff=ebdssbdestsearch.

Contact the writer: dgleaton@timesanddemocrat.com or 803-533-5534. Follow “Good News with Gleaton” on Twitter at @DionneTandD

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