Just ask Adell Julia Green Thompson what it was like to ride in a Model-T Ford on a dirt road from Parlerville – just west of Santee – to Orangeburg. She’ll be glad to tell you.
Thompson, who goes by “Julie,” will turn 107 on Oct. 10.
She’s lived just outside of Santee nearly all her life, except for a few months in 1940 after she and her husband married and then moved to Columbia to work at a laundry business.
Thompson is the only daughter of the late Ferguson and Alice Seaberry Green. Thompson’s father, a graduate of S.C. State College, taught at the Parlerville School and a school in Providence.
She has four brothers, each of whom has passed away.
Sometimes she got to visit the big city of Orangeburg as a child.
“My mama used to take me there in a T-model. My mama could drive a car, but I couldn’t,” Thompson said, remembering those trips as though they were in some recent past, not decades prior.
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“When you were in that T-model, it’d take you a long time to get there, but you’d get there,” she said with a warm chuckle, “and then come back.”
Thompson was 15 when her mother passed away, but her mother experienced driving on paved roads by then. After Thompson’s mother died, her grandmother raised her.
“The last they gave her was a Buick and she’d drive that to Orangeburg and back. Our paved roads were paved when she’d go to Columbia to see her sister,” Thompson said.
That was before the construction of Interstate 26. The only way to get to Columbia from Santee was through St. Matthews on what some may now refer to as “the back roads.”
For most of Thompson’s life, she worked on her family’s farm.
“We had a nice time on that farm and we made lots of stuff,” she said. “Sweet potatoes, peas, string beans, butter beans, we had all that too.”
“There wasn’t nothing but dirt roads, horse, buggy and wagon. We had the wagon to ride in and the mule,” she said.
“We didn’t know what a tractor was,” she said beaming a smile, “We didn’t have one. We didn’t have nothing but the mule and the wagon.”
“I enjoyed those times,” she said.
Thompson, even at 107, never learned to drive a car.
She drove the horse and wagon or mule and wagon sometimes, but she didn’t learn to drive a car – or a tractor.
She remembers when she first heard of a traffic light.
Her cousin went to Florence and then returned to Santee.
“He’d never seen one and he didn’t know what to do,” she said.
“He came back and told us about it. He didn’t know what it was,” she added.
Thompson also picked cotton well into her 20s.
“I picked 130, 140 pounds of cotton in a day. Now that was something for a person to do,” she said.
“When the sack gets full, you empty that and come back,” she said.
She recalled there was one occasion when she was picking cotton when she was interrupted by a weather episode.
“I know I was picking cotton by the sack and I picked up a lot of that down there on the end of the field,” she said.
“That hurricane lasted a whole week raining, and they couldn’t go get my cotton or nothing. It stayed there until they opened it and carried it over to gin it and they paid me anyhow,” she said.
“It’s what they called a ‘September gale,’” she said.
In 1936, Thompson graduated from the Orangeburg Training Center in Elloree. She finished with an “A” degree in scholarship.
While in school, she took a home economics course where she learned how to make fruit cake, pound cake and eight-layer cake.
Thompson has fond memories from when her grandmother and mother baked cakes.
She also took a course so she could work as a substitute teacher.
She worked as a substitute teacher on a couple of occasions.
One year, she cooked for students at the two-room wooden schoolhouse in Parlerville. A detached kitchen was next to it.
The kitchen was equipped with a wood-burning stove.
She said she mostly served food that had been preserved through canning.
“It was more or less done, you’d just warm it up for the children,” she said.
The teachers would serve the food onto the plates for the students.
Each student “had to bring their own plate too,” she said.
She added that if a student didn’t bring a plate, they didn’t get to eat lunch.
“They couldn’t get to eat if they didn’t bring their own plate,” Thompson said.
That was when she lived just a short distance from the school, a little over the hill from where she lives now.
In 1940, she married Eddie Thompson Sr.
The two met because he was being raised by Thompson’s aunt, who lived nearby.
“When I first got married, he gave me a little radio and I sat it in the house. Nobody even had one around here,” she said.
“Then he went on and got me a television,” she said. “I remember that, too.”
Thompson said, “With the radio, you couldn’t see their pictures, you just heard their voices – them speaking.”
She still enjoys the radio, but enjoys watching the NBC nightly newscast and reads The Times and Democrat newspaper every day.
Thompson learned how to make lye soap from her grandmother and passed on the tradition to her grandson.
She also took up quilting as a hobby and taught it to her daughter, Maxine.
Thompson’s motto is, “Worship the Lord, do the right thing, be honest, treat everybody right and God will bless you.”
Her favorite scriptures are Exodus 20, Psalm 27 and Matthew 5.
At age 12, Thompson joined Chapel Hill Baptist Church in Santee, where she was a faithful member and served as a Sunday school secretary. In 1941, she joined PsSchool secretary there. She remains a loyal member.
As for the secret to her longevity, Thompson said she’s remained committed to the Lord and is often heard saying, “To God be the glory.”
Thompson has three children: Eddie Thompson Jr. of Greensboro, N.C.; Hayward Thompson of Augusta, Georgia; and Maxine Thompson of Santee. She also has seven grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren and five great-great-grandchildren.
Her family and friends will celebrate Thompson with a drive-by birthday event on Saturday.
Contact the writer: mbrown@timesanddemocrat.com or 803-533-5545. Follow on Twitter: @MRBrownTandD
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