Holly Hill author Julie Campbell Sohm has published a children’s book, “Again.” It is her third book.
Sohm drew on her own experiences as a mother to help tell the story of “Again,” she said.
She explained the word “again” occurs throughout parenthood.
“When a child starts walking, then falls down, you tell them, ‘Try again,’” she said.
“Once they start walking, you wonder, ‘Do you want to be held again?’”
“‘Again’ keeps recurring,” she said.
Another example Sohm gives is the child who grows into a teenager and the mother tells them, “If you’re going to make a mess, you have to learn to clean it up again.”
When the child goes to college, the mother wonders, “When are you coming home again?”
She started writing the book about one-and-a-half to two years ago.
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“It’s a good lifecycle book,” she said.
“It’s a good book,” she added.
The book is ideal for “A grown-up to read to a child,” she said, “by putting them on your lap and reading to them.”
She published it on Nov. 16.
The 44-page book is illustrated by Eutawville artist Chris Bilton.
Sohm said “Again” can be used to announce the upcoming birth of a child, letting grandparents-to-be know they “will soon be holding a little one again.”
Sohm dedicated the book to her son, Will. Will and his wife, Georgie, will soon have their first child, Cadence.
Sohm published two books in 2019: “A Walk in the Wide, Wild Woods” and “Goodnight, Pond!”
“A Walk in the Wide, Wild Woods” is a book Sohm wrote and illustrated as a Christmas gift for her then 8-year-old daughter, Jacey.
Sohm lives in Holly Hill with her husband, Howie. Their children are Will, 28, and Jacey, 24.
Each of the books are paperback and available for purchase online or from Sohm. Visit: http://bit.ly/sohmbooks.
Contact the writer: mbrown@timesanddemocrat.com or 803-533-5545. Follow on Twitter: @MRBrownTandD
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