Motorists traveling this Labor Day weekend will see gasoline prices that are slightly lower than this same time last year. The prices are still among the highest seen for the holiday in the past 12 years.

The weekend has traditionally marked the end of the summer driving season.

Gasoline prices in the Orangeburg area are averaging about $3.415, according to a Wednesday survey of local stations.

The least expensive self-service, regular gasoline sold for $3.209 at the Dodge’s Store on Edisto Drive.

Gas prices for Labor Day are higher than they were during the Fourth of July holiday, when they were averaging about $3.111 a gallon for regular unleaded.

Gas prices are down about 8 cents compared to Labor Day 2022.

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Gasoline prices a year ago in Orangeburg were averaging about $3.493.

Gasoline prices last year were the highest seen locally during the Labor Day travel weekend in nine years.

Labor Day gasoline prices two years ago were averaging about $2.86 a gallon. Three years ago, gasoline prices in Orangeburg were averaging $1.97 a gallon for the Labor Day holiday.

Outside of last year, the last time Labor Day gasoline prices were this high was in 2011.

Statewide, gasoline prices are averaging $3.397 a gallon. South Carolina has the third lowest gasoline prices in the nation, with only Mississippi and Louisiana having lower prices, according to AAA.

Nationally, gas prices are averaging $3.819. That’s about the same as last year.

California has the highest gas prices in the nation, averaging $5.287 a gallon.

Gas demand and volatile oil prices, particularly during an active hurricane season, could limit how much lower prices go the weeks ahead.

Contact the writer: or 803-533-5551. Check out Zaleski on Twitter at @ZaleskiTD.

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