2 to 2:15 p.m.

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks:

To Marching 101 Band:

  • “Thank you for doing your thing. They do not disappoint.”
  • It is an honor to join you at convocation.

To freshmen:

  • This is the beginning of a great journey for you.
  • There is no obstacle you cannot overcome and there is no barrier you cannot break.

To students:

  • We turn to you, once again. Your nation turns to you.
  • We need your leadership to build on an economy that works for everyone.
  • We need your leadership on the climate crisis. Your generation has experienced the 10 hottest summers on record.
  • We must treat the climate crisis like the climate that it is.
  • We need architects to help us build more sustainable homes in communities.

People are also reading…

Work ongoing:

  • This administration is investing in apprenticeship programs.
  • We’ve increased Pell Grants by $400 per student per year.
  • This is a center of academic excellence.
  • We’ve seen great accomplishments but there’s still more to do.
  • We need to make community college free to everyone.
  • We still need to address the epidemic of gun violence.
  • Your vote is your voice. We need you to lead America forward.
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Education secretary speaks

Following musical selections from the Marching 101 Band, U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cordona delivered remarks.

He said the Biden administration is investing in HBCUs, which is investing in America.

Students, you are leading the way; we are here to inspire you, he said.

The ceremony is underway with music.

12:45 p.m.

VP visit: posting of the colors

12:05 p.m.

Watch the event live

Less than a hour to go until the SC State Convocation featuring Vice President Kamala Harris will begin at 1 p.m.

Here are links to watch the event live:



SC State convocation prep underway

Sound checks, security scans and some rehearsal types of activities are underway at the Smith-Hamilton-Middleton Memorial Center on the campus of S.C. State University.

The big event is the university’s fall convocation, scheduled for 1 p.m.

Preparations at Smith-Hammond-Middleton Memorial Center.

This is the university’s largest freshman class in 15 years.

Keynote speaker — Vice President Kamala Harris — has not yet arrived but security is heightened in preparation of her visit.

Everyone who enters the SMH memorial center, located at 300 College St. in Orangeburg, is required to undergo TSA-style screenings by the U.S. Secret Service.

The Times and Democrat is covering the vice president’s visit with stories, photos and video. Stay with us.

Members of the White House Press Corps as well as local an national reporters are converging on SHM for the event.

Republican statement

No event involving a national political leader is devoid of comment by the opposition. In advance of the vice president’s visit Tuesday, the S.C. Republican Party issued the following statement:

Vice President Harris has been to South Carolina more than the border

(Columbia, S.C.) – Vice President Kamala Harris is returning to South Carolina today, the third time she’s visited the state as Vice President. Here is South Carolina Republican Party Chairman Drew McKissick’s full statement:

“Kamala Harris has been to South Carolina more times during her Vice Presidency than she has been to the southern border. Maybe this time she’s just escaping the reality of the hundreds of illegal immigrants dropped off outside her residence in D.C. We already know Congressman Jim Clyburn won’t be there. But what about Joe Cunningham? Will he help welcome the Vice President, one of the leaders of his party, to South Carolina? And if he won’t be in attendance, why?”

VP visits today

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris will address South Carolina State University students and faculty at the university’s Fall Convocation on Tuesday, Sept. 20, at 1 p.m.

Because of necessary security measures and capacity limitations, attendance will be restricted to the SC State campus community and a limited number invited guests.

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The vice president is also holding a meeting with students at Claflin University during her visit.

Harris will be accompanied in Orangeburg by U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona.

Follow the vice president’s visit with updates right here at TheTandD.com.

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