
Family Health Centers logo

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The Family Health Centers Inc. is offering free mobile COVID-19 testing.

The testing sites will be held in different communities across Orangeburg, Bamberg, Calhoun and Dorchester counties Monday through Friday, Aug. 9-13. The testing will be from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. with lunch break from 1 to 2 p.m. No appointments are necessary. The testing sites will include drive-thru stations. If inclement weather occurs, the testing sites will be closed.

Monday, Aug. 9

  • Holly Hill Town Hall/County Complex, 8423 Old State Road, Holly Hill
  • Orangeburg County Fairgrounds, 350 Magnolia St., Orangeburg,

Tuesday, Aug. 10

  • Williams Chapel AME Church, 1198 Glover St., Orangeburg
  • Denmark Police Department/Walter E. Brooker Center, 19 Maple Ave., Denmark

Wednesday, Aug. 11

  • Harleyville Community Center, 163 S. Railroad Ave., Harleyville
  • Good Shepherd Community Ministries, 1178 Five Chop Road, Orangeburg

Thursday, Aug. 12

  • Orangeburg County Fairgrounds, 350 Magnolia St., Orangeburg
  • Town of North Community Center-Square, 7904 Salley Road, North

Friday, Aug. 13

  • Union Baptist Church, 16494 Ehrhardt Road, Bamberg
  • John Ford Community Center, 304 Agnes St., St. Matthews
Neeses, FHC partnering for COVID testing, vaccines

For additional information regarding COVID-19 mobile screenings and testing sites, call 803-531-6900 or 866-506-9342 or go to www.myfhc.org.

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