Additional incumbents filed for re-election in Bamberg and Orangeburg counties by Monday afternoon.
In addition, long-serving Rep. James Clyburn filed for re-election to his 6th District congressional seat.
Filing with local party officials closes at noon March 30.
As of late Monday, the following candidates had filed:
State and federal
• U.S. Congressional District 2 – Incumbent Rep. Joe Wilson, a Republican.
• U.S. Congressional District 6 – Incumbent Rep. James Clyburn, a Democrat; Gregg Marcel Dixon, a Democrat; Michael Addison, a Democrat and Duke Buckner, a Republican.
• S.C. House District 90 – Incumbent Rep. Justin Bamberg, D-Bamberg.
• S.C. House District 91 – Incumbent Rep. Lonnie Hosey, D-Barnwell.
• S.C. House District 93 – Incumbent Rep. Russell Ott, D-St. Matthews.
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• S.C. House District 95 – Incumbent Rep. Gilda Cobb-Hunter, D-Orangeburg, filed for the newly redrawn district. It is currently represented by Rep. Jerry Govan, who is running for state Superintendent of Education.
Orangeburg County
• Probate Judge – Pandora Jones-Glover, a Democrat.
• Auditor – Incumbent Audrey Asbury, a Democrat.
• Treasurer – Incumbent Matt Stokes, a Democrat.
• County Council District 1 – Incumbent Johnnie Wright Sr., a Democrat.
• County Council District 6 – Incumbent Deloris Frazier, a Democrat.
• County Council District 7 – Latisha Walker, a Democrat.
Bamberg County
• Auditor – Incumbent Rosa Robinson Verner, a Democrat, and Gale H. Black, a Democrat.
• Treasurer – Incumbent Alice P. Johnson, a Democrat.
• County Council District 3 – Incumbent Larry Haynes, a Democrat.
• County Council District 6 – Incumbent Evert Comer Jr., a Democrat.
Calhoun County
• County Council District 3 – Patrick W. Mack and Rebecca A. Bonnette, both Republicans, filed for the seat currently held by John Nelson.
• County Council District 4 – Incumbent Cecil M. Thornton Jr., a Democrat.
All local filing is done at the Voter Registration and Election office in a candidate’s county of residence.
All filing for federal and statewide offices is done through the South Carolina Election Commission at For more information, the SEC can also be contacted by phone at 803-734-9060 or email at
Filing for state Senate and state House offices can be done through the SEC or the Voter Registration and Election offices in a candidate’s county of residence.
The Orangeburg County Voter Registration and Election Office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. It is located at 1475 Amelia St. in Orangeburg. The office can reached by phone at 803-533-6210.
The Bamberg County Voter Registration and Election Office is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. It is located in the Bamberg County Courthouse Annex at 1234 North St. in Bamberg. The office can be reached by phone at 803-245-3028.
The Calhoun County Voter Registration and Election Office is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. It is located at 102 Courthouse Drive, Suite 115, in St. Matthews. The office can be reached by phone at 803-874-2929 or 803-874-2435.
The primaries will be held June 14 with any runoff scheduled for June 28.
The general election is Nov. 8.
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