BAMBERG – The Denmark Fire Department Auxiliary organized the 9/11 Remembrance Parade, which was held Sunday.

This year marks the 23rd anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. It was the 22nd anniversary of the parade.

Nearly 3,000 people were killed on 9/11. Over 400 of those people were first responders, and nearly as many have since died from illnesses directly related to the terrorist attacks, according to BBC News in 2023.

“While this is a sobering fact, we are thankful for our fire department’s efforts to memorialize and honor these brave Americans with this parade,” Bamberg County Administrator Joey Preston said.

According to Paul Eubanks, Bamberg County Fire Department Coordinator, “Anna Lee Jennings of the Denmark Fire Department Auxiliary organized the inaugural 9/11 Remembrance Parade 22 years ago. She is the ‘Station Mom’ who does so much for us, and we can’t thank her enough.

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“We also appreciate Bamberg County citizens and leaders who joined us yesterday to honor our brothers and sisters who gave the ultimate sacrifice on a day we will never forget.”

The parade route was approximately 45.5 miles long, connecting all five Bamberg County municipalities. The following Bamberg County Fire Stations were represented: Denmark, Little Swamp, Govan, Olar, Ehrhardt, Clearpond, Hunters Chapel and Bamberg.

The parade ended at the Denmark Fire Station, where refreshments were served.

“We are so appreciative of Ms. Jennings, Paul Eubanks and the entire Bamberg County Fire Department family for continuing this important tradition. On September 11, 2001, our nation was reminded that freedom is not free and is something we must never take for granted. The 9/11 Remembrance Parade is just one way Bamberg County continues to honor the lives of those lost on that fateful day,” Bamberg County Council Chairman Evert Comer Jr. said.

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