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Speaking on the Dagobah Dispatch podcast, the 44-year-old actor revealed the amount of work she put into mastering her character’s trademark double-saber technique.

Bamberg County Council members joined local and regional leaders on Wednesday to celebrate the completion of District 2’s Moore Street paving improvements.

The improvements are designed to make the downtown Veterans Memorial Park and local businesses more accessible, create more parking spaces and improve the overall aesthetics of the area.

The entire Veterans Park initiative has been a collaborative effort between Bamberg County, the City of Bamberg, the Bamberg Board of Public Works, the Bamberg County C-Fund Committee, Sen. Brad Hutto, D-Orangeburg, and Rep. Justin Bamberg, D-Bamberg.

The park and related projects are about 95% completed, according to County Administrator Joey Preston.

Bamberg Mayor Nancy Foster said, “Now even more Bamberg citizens can enjoy our beautiful downtown Veterans Park while having a more convenient access to our local businesses.

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“I want to thank our delegation: Sen. Hutto and Rep. Bamberg, Bamberg County, the Board of Public Works and C-Fund Committee for once again partnering with the city for the betterment of our community.”

Councilwoman Sharon Hammond, who represents District 2, reflected on how prior to the new improvements, access to downtown businesses was inconvenient and not “pleasing.”

Customers had to enter businesses from the rear of the building. She expressed her appreciation for the county’s efforts to make Bamberg citizens’ lives better by bringing “nice things” to the community and creating a “safe, pleasing environment.”

Hammond went on to thank the county, city, Board of Public Works and C-Fund Committee for their collaborative efforts to complete the Moore Street paving project.

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