Rickenbacker XCEL, which raises money for Alzheimer’s research, cancelled its black-tie fundraiser this year due to COVID.

Instead, the organization will be hosting a balloon release in beautiful downtown Orangeburg. It will be held at 4 p.m. on Dec. 17, “Gloria Rickenbacker Hutto Day” in Orangeburg.

The event will mark 25 years of raising money for Alzheimer’s research in honor the late Saul Rickenbacker Sr., a loving father and grandfather. The organization consists of Gloria R. Hutto, Luvina R. Robinson, William Green, Troy Robinson and Cleatus Robinson.

The organization invites and encourages everyone to help support the cause. Anyone with a loved one who has Alzheimer’s or has passed from complications due to Alzheimer’s is welcome.

There will be a keynote speaker and entertainment. Donations are welcome.

The group is asking participants to wear purple and bring their own chairs, if possible. Children must be monitored by adults and there will be social distancing.

The event will be held in the Williams and Williams Attorneys at Law parking lot, located at 1281 Russell St., Orangeburg.

For more information, call Gloria R. Hutto at 803-531-3297 or Luvina R. Robinson at 803-536-0972.

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