Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers says the Federal Reserve should raise its benchmark interest rate by a 0.25 percentage point at its meeting next week. “It’s appropriate — on current facts, to raise rates by 25 basis points,” he says on Bloomberg Television’s “Wall Street Week” with David Westin.

Kimberley Sellers is looking to share love and positivity through her new book, “Even Now.”

The faith-based book is designed to cheer the spirits of those who need help and to do so using biblical references.

“Ultimately, I want people to come to God through this book,” the Santee native said.

“I’m hoping that they keep turning the pages and, furthermore, they turn the page of the Bible, because that’s where the meat and potatoes is, and that’s where the real instructions are. I wanted to give them a nugget. I want to clean up, plant a seed,” Sellers said.

The book is published by Christian Faith Publishing Inc.

She says writing the book was extremely difficult for her. She needed to talk to God and needed inspiration herself to complete the book.

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“I was not confident in myself to do it at first, but I got in my mind, ‘You have to do this because this is what you’re supposed to do.’ You’re supposed to tell people about God, you’re supposed to let them know that there’s still hope,” Sellers said

She hopes her readers learn about perseverance and faith.

One of her favorite portions of the book discusses how God is bigger than any problems that people can face during their day-to-day lives.

“I want them to see that every day, even if it’s something small that they need, God is hearing you. He sees everything, he knows it all. He has not forgotten about you and he is fighting your battles. God is bigger than anything you could possibly face in your life,” Sellers said.

Her strong Christian beliefs stem from her upbringing.

“I have a praying family. We’ve always been that way. I would sit with my great-grandmother just about every weekend. She lived right next door to my grandmother, and I got a lot of wisdom from them. It started there as a little girl,” Sellers said.

She’s using those values to help those in need of words from the Bible.

“We go through so many things in life and I’m hoping that at least a chapter reaches them. If it reaches them and gives them a little bit of hope going forward, then I’m happy,” Sellers said.

Sellers surprised herself by putting together the book.

“I’m a behind-the-scenes kind of person. I really feel like those weren’t necessarily all my words. Sometimes I think they all came from God,” Sellers said.

You can purchase “Even Now” on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and ReaderHouse under its name.

Terry Benjamin II, a Claflin University mass communications senior, is reporting for The Times and Democrat as a Lee Enterprises-sponsored news-sports intern.

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