The South Carolina Chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., will convene its 64th District Conference on Oct. 3-5, 2024, on the campuses of Claflin University and South Carolina State University.
Themed “SC Brother Embracing the Alpha IMPACT: Voter Registration! Voter Education Voter Mobilization!” the three-day conference plans to make a huge impact in the Orangeburg community and provide strategies and initiatives that the South Carolina Chapters of the historic Fraternity can implement in all communities statewide.
Leaders of the South Carolina Chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., have planned educational and fellowship opportunities for the attendees. Business sessions are closed to the public and are only open to registered members of the Fraternity. Community outreach events include an HBCU college fair for high school students, free community breakfast (sponsored by Denny’s Mobile Relief Diner), a graduate school and career fair, and a blood drive (sponsored by The Red Cross).
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Founded on Dec. 4, 1906, at Cornell University, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. has supplied voice and vision to the struggle of African Americans and people of color around the world. The Fraternity initially served as a study and support group for minority students who faced racial prejudice, both educationally and socially. Famous fraternity members who have been in the forefront of civil rights include W.E.B. DuBois, Adam Clayton Powell Jr., Edward Brooke, Martin Luther King Jr., Thurgood Marshall, Andrew Young, William Gray, and Paul Robeson.
Today Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is comprised of more than 750 active chapters located in the United States, Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Caribbean.
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There are a total of 33 chapters in South Carolina representing the cities of Aiken, Anderson, Beaufort, Bennettsville, Clemson, Columbia, Conway, Charleston, Denmark, Florence, Fort Mill, Georgetown, Greenville, Orangeburg, Rock Hill, Spartanburg, Summerville, and Sumter. This also includes chapters at higher education institutions including Allen University, Benedict College, Charleston Southern University, Claflin University, Clemson University, The College of Charleston, Coastal Carolina University, Francis Marion University, Morris College, South Carolina State University, University of South Carolina (Columbia), University of South Carolina (Aiken), University of South Carolina (Upstate), Voorhees University, and Winthrop University.
HBCU IMPACT College Fair
Thursday, Oct. 3, 2024, 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Claflin University | Jonas T. Kennedy Health and Wellness Complex Auxiliary Gym
400 Magnolia St., Orangeburg
During the HBCU College Fair, local high students will visit with admissions counselors from more than 20 HBCUs, participate in a workshop to learn more about applying for scholarships, and have numerous opportunities to receive scholarships from attending colleges, universities, and education nonprofits from across the south. This event is free and open to the public – especially high school juniors and seniors.
Free Community Breakfast – sponsored by Denny’s
Thursday, Oct. 3, 2024, 10:30 a.m.-noon
Claflin University | Jonas T. Kennedy Health and Wellness Complex Parking Lot
400 Magnolia St., Orangeburg
The Mobile Relief Diner is a 53-foot tractor trailer with a fully functional commercial kitchen. Equipped with ovens, grills, a walk-in cooler, and a commercial coffee maker, the Mobile Relief Diner was designed to travel virtually anywhere in the U.S. and can serve thousands at each stop.
Free Community Breakfast – sponsored by Denny’s
Friday, Oct. 4, 2024, 8 a.m.-noon
Claflin University | Jonas T. Kennedy Health and Wellness Complex Parking Lot
400 Magnolia St., Orangeburg
The Mobile Relief Diner is a 53-foot tractor trailer with a fully functional commercial kitchen. Equipped with ovens, grills, a walk-in cooler, and a commercial coffee maker, the Mobile Relief Diner was designed to travel virtually anywhere in the U.S. and can serve thousands at each stop.
Alpha University Workshop – Reclaiming Our Power
Friday, Oct. 4, 2024, 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Claflin University Student Center, Ballroom A
400 Magnolia St., Orangeburg
While galvanizing brothers to mobilize and vote, this workshop will feature a discussion regarding the opportunity to reclaim Black Power in the Southeastern United States through a re-migration of Black and Brown individuals. This workshop will also feature evidence-based strategies for advancing our A Voteless People is a Hopeless People Program.
Alpha University Workshop – A Basic Estate Plan
Friday, Oct. 4, 2024, 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Claflin University Student Center, Movie Theater
400 Magnolia St., Orangeburg
Death is a certainty and we as a people are gaining more and more wealth that we need to protect for our families and even for our Fraternity. This workshop will discuss the basic steps brothers (and their families) should take to effectively plan what happens to their assets upon death. Brothers will also explore the possible consequences of insufficient planning.
Fraternal and Recognition Luncheon
Friday, Oct. 4, 2024, 1-3 p.m.
Claflin University Student Center, Ballroom B
400 Magnolia St.
Keynote address by Brother Dr. J.R. Green.
Dr. J.R. Green has dedicated over 30 years to K-12 education, serving in various key roles throughout his career. He has been a teacher, administrator, assistant principal, principal, assistant superintendent, and superintendent. For the past 12 years, Green has led the Fairfield County School District (FSCD) as superintendent. Under his leadership, the FSCD has seen significant improvements, including enhanced curriculum offerings, the construction and renovation of multiple facilities, and revisions to the salary schedule for both certified and classified staff. The district has also earned numerous state and federal recognitions, including the 2020 South Carolina State Teacher of the Year award, the 2022 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence designation, and the 2021 South Carolina Superintendent of the Year award. In June 2024, Green was honored with the prestigious SCASA Lifetime Achievement Award, making him the youngest recipient in its history.
Green is deeply committed to inspiring and working with young people. One of his notable initiatives is the Griffin Bow Tie Club, a comprehensive mentoring program for middle and high school boys. The program emphasizes the “5 Wells of Leadership”—Well-Read, Well-Spoken, Well-Traveled, Well-Dressed, and Well-Balanced.
Early in his tenure, Green oversaw the construction of the Fairfield Career and Technology Center, a state-of-the-art facility featuring traditional classrooms, laboratories, an automotive center, barber and cosmetology suites, as well as Mechatronics and Project Lead the Way programs. This center serves as a hub for career and technical education for students across the county.
Green holds a Bachelor of Science, a Master of Arts, a Master of Education, and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of South Carolina. A Riley Leadership Institute Fellow, he is actively involved in numerous civic and professional organizations, including the Omicron Iota Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Alpha Iota Boule’ of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) Board of Trustees, the South Carolina Hospital Association Board of Trustees, the Board of Directors for the Midlands Education & Business Alliance, and the United Way of the Midlands Board of Directors. Additionally, Green serves as a Deacon at Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church in Ridgeway.
A proud native of South Carolina, Green resides in Columbia with his wife, Tonya, and their three daughters: Jamara, Janelle, and Jacia.
He consistently emphasizes to students that education is the foundation of their future. Known for leaving a lasting impression, Green enriches the lives of others through his leadership and service. His guiding philosophy is simple: “Do your best.”
During the luncheon, the Fraternity will commemorate the Emanuel Nine who were tragically slain on June 17, 2015, at Mother Emanuel A.M.E. Church, in Charleston, South Carolina. This will be done by honoring individuals and organizations that embody their spirit and service to others. Honorees include:
• Brother Dr. James R. Blassingame, Retired Truancy Director for the Orangeburg County School District (Educational Support)
• Brother Rev. Archie R. Fair, Greater St. James AME Church, Summerville, SC (Faith)
• The Honorable Latisha Walker, Orangeburg County Council District 7 (Political Activism)
• Chief Charles P. Austin, Chief of Police, City of Orangeburg (Safety)
• Ms. Dianna E. Richburg, Teacher, Denmark-Olar Elementary School (Volunteerism)
Additionally, the Fraternity will recognize and honor three new South Carolina Living Legends from Alpha Phi Alpha chapters in the Orangeburg area. Honorees include:
• Brother Frank L. Loadholt, Adjunct Instructor, South Carolina State University, (initiated 11/1/70)
• Brother Carl A. Oliver, Enterprise Applications Manager/Administrative Computing Manager, South Carolina State University, (initiated 11/26/85)
• Brother Adrian H. West, Vice President of Student Affairs, Voorhees University, (initiated 10/18/97)
Graduate School and Career Fair
Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024, 9 a.m.-noon
Claflin University | Jonas T. Kennedy Health and Wellness Complex Auxiliary Gym
400 Magnolia St.
Recruiters from various universities will be on hand to answer questions about admissions for their graduate school programs. Organizations participating in the Career Fair include Blue Cross Blue Shield, Honeywell, Chester School District, Charleston Police Department and more. This event is free and open to the public.
Blood Drive Event with the Red Cross
Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Claflin University Student Center, Ballroom C
400 Magnolia St.
One of the main principles of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is community outreach and mentoring initiatives. The Conference will host a Blood Drive with the American Red Cross. The goal is to collect 30 pints of blood. Anyone is welcome to register to give blood. Make an appointment at Sponsor code: AlphaSouth
Alpha University Workshop – The Influence of Media on the Uneducated Voter: Embracing Your Influence
Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024, 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Claflin University Student Center, Conference Room A
400 Magnolia St.
This voter education workshop examines the impact of media outlets (news, music, social media, etc.) on voters. This workshop will explore evidence-based approaches to support voter education through the usage of multiple media platforms.
Alpha University Workshop – Mastering Robert’s Rules of Order: Elevating Meetings and Decision-Making
Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024, 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Claflin University Student Center, Ballroom A
400 Magnolia St., Orangeburg, SC 29115
Join us for an engaging and practical workshop on Robert’s Rules of Order at the District Conference. This session is designed to equip participants with the essential knowledge and skills needed to conduct meetings with efficiency, fairness, and clarity. Whether you’re a seasoned leader or new to parliamentary procedure, this workshop will provide you with the tools to confidently navigate and lead meetings using Robert’s Rules.
Alpha University Workshop – Navigating Career Success: Strategies for Landing and Advancing Your Career
Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024, 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Claflin University Student Center, Conference Room B
400 Magnolia St.
This career development workshop is designed exclusively for the SC Alpha Brothers who are ready to excel in their professional journeys. Whether you’re in the early stages of your career or looking to advance to the next level, this workshop provides the tools and strategies to help you stand out in today’s competitive job market, “the Alpha Way.”
Belford V. Lawson Oratorical Luncheon/Competition
Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024, 1-2:30 p.m.
Claflin University Student Center, Ballroom C
400 Magnolia St.
The purpose of the Belford V. Lawson Oratorical Competition is to identify problems or special topics of interest within society and determine how the problem or topic relates to the goals and objectives of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated. The Oratorical Contest provides College brothers the opportunity to enhance and display their communication skills through oration.
Dr. John Hope Franklin Collegiate Scholars’ Bowl
Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024, 5-6 p.m.
Claflin University Student Center, 3rd Floor Student Lounge
400 Magnolia St.
The Dr. John Hope Franklin Collegiate Scholars’ Bowl provides a public forum through which undergraduate collegiate scholars demonstrate academic and intellectual knowledge and skills, implemented to highlight scholastic excellence among college members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Dr. Hobart S. Jarrett Debate Competition
Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024, 5-6 p.m.
Claflin University Student Center, Conference A
400 Magnolia St.
The purpose of the Brother Dr. Hobart S. Jarrett Debate Competition is to develop the skills of fraternity members in argumentation and research, persuasion, oral and written communication, and critical thinking.
Miss Old Gold and Black Scholarship Competition
Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024, 8-10 p.m.
South Carolina State University | Fine Arts Center
The Miss Old Gold and Black Scholarship Competition is an event whose primary purpose is to highlight and foster the inextricable connection between success and etiquette among young women. This competition spotlights the young women’s poise, self-confidence, communication skills, intelligence, and beauty. Contestants are provided scholarships to assist with the financial obligations associated with post-secondary studies.
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